Digital signature

>> 26 Jun 2009

When send message, like SMS, MMS, or e-mail usually we append digital signature. This digital signature can shape brief self data or greeting phrase in end message.
If you rare use the digital signature when write a message, of course no problem. But if you often or always use this digital signature in end message, of course very bother typewrite digital signature every time typewrite e-mail, MMS, or SMS.

So, in order to you are not bother typewrite same text each send message, use signature facilities on your Linux ponsel. The manner to increase this signature are :
  1. Click function messaging on your ponsel.
  2. After appear message folder list, click menu and choose option Signature Editing
  3. In the next screen, you will bring to the regulation feature digital signature. Typewrite your signature in there.
  4. In order to your signature automatic increase when make SMS message or new MMS, give the check sign in front of option Add signature to all outgoing messages.
  5. Click Save to save your new signature.
To try that new change, click new send message through Compose button in main window message feature. Automatic, you can get your signature discharged in message under part.

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