Kaspersky releases antivirus base on MAC

>> 28 Nov 2009

Recently Kaspersky Lab has announced special new product to computer based on Macintosh. This special Mac Kaspersky Antivirus made new antivirus engine from Kaspersky Lab.

Of course you may ask, why an antivirus product has to make two kind of products specially to Mac and Windows. The main reason is because a virus attack on Windows and Mac system are different so that the antivirus company needs to distinguish their antivirus product.

Newest software for Mac OS X could on 10.4.11 version or higher version. This newest Antivirus Kaspersky protects Mac from virus, worm, and Trojan Mac OS.

Kaspersky Antivirus for Mac has a resource distribution system when user activity increasing, antivirus work priority will decline. It will make computer task descending.

This product is available now for buyer via e-store : on www.antivirus365.net and will availalble in the market mid December 2009.


3D Television ready to launch

>> 24 Nov 2009

All this time to watch 3D, we have to use special eyeglasses.

However two Japan electronic giant are Sony and Panasonic will launch 3D television.
Maybe next year early this product available in market.

This 3D television be planned in flat screen shape and can serve film or video games with format high definition. 3D television demonstration in some international exhibition just display brief clip film, nature and sport.




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