Anti lose laptop bag

>> 25 Jul 2009

Tech Air makes the laptop bag equipped by i-track system. With i-track system, if you’re bag has been losing so you’re bag traceable of it's existence. TAG put by owner in bag will send the signal to a website and at the time of at the same, owner will receive a message through e-mail or owner account in i-Track giving information the location of the bag now. The price of this bag is $120.


The future credit card

>> 22 Jul 2009

Visa company will be launching the future credit card. Design of credit card has the same size and shape with the currently credit card unless there is a additional keypad and LCD screen that will display the password randomly. This credit card will only be used when shopping online. When doing transaction the user must enter the PIN number and password that number will be displayed in LCD screen. But when shopping at store, a credit card is functioning normally.


The price of Indian laptop just $10

>> 21 Jul 2009

In India the price of laptop $10? Wow it's amazing. When I hear this information I'm very suprised. Why the price of laptop in India very cheap? The government of Bombay give that price because he want education in his country became good. This laptop will be equipped with 2 GB of memory, WiFi, fixed Ethernet, expandable memory, and consume just 2 watts of power.
That laptop will be available in the next 5 month.


Advantage of Gold Coins

>> 20 Jul 2009

Gold coins are one of currency to invest your money. When the world applies gold as currency, have never happened at all monetary problems, like inflation, fluctuation of exchange rate, and its(the breakout purchasing power). Profesor Roy Jastram from Berkeley University, US on his book The Gold Constant has proved resistant gold character of inflation. According to it research, the price of gold to some commidities within 400 year until 1976 year is constant and stabile.

I will give you some information advantage of gold coins:

1. gold coins are commodity, as other commodity, for example camel, goat, iron, or copper. To perform it needs exploration fare and production. This commodity can be sales if its not using as money. So, gold is including commodity money.

2. gold coins will generate monetary stability. Not like bank note system, brings world instability because of addition of circulating bank note suddenly. Gold usually not easy to found in number ocipius.

3. gold coins has a excellence prunes advantage, that is how much quantity in one country, may be many or little will be able to fulfill requiurement of market in currency transfer.

4. gold coins will have stable rate of inter-states.




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